Monday, January 14, 2013

New Years Cleanse

I am starting a cleanse in two days.  I've always wanted to do one.  And by "always" I mean ever since I learned about detoxification in coursework at Bastyr University.  I was on the "starving student" diet back then so buying the required supplements was not really an option.  Instead, I did the Elimination Diet and eliminated common the food allergens (wheat, dairy, corn, soy, citrus, peanuts and tree nuts) from my diet for 2-8 weeks to determine food sensitivities.
Thank you Teeccino (herbal coffee) for the picture

Needless to say, I know how to survive on a limited diet of rice and beans/meats and vegetables.  But this cleanse is ever more restrictive.  I am only allowed to eat fruits and vegetables* for 21 days!  (*plus 1/2 cup brown rice + 7 teaspoons oil + supplement regimen)  I do get to add up to 20 oz of lean protein (organic chicken or deep-sea fish) starting day 11.  Oh, but the the list of vegetables is restricted to non-starchy, calorie-lacking vegetables (i.e. no white potatoes, no avocado, etc).

My biggest worry is that I won't get enough calories and I will lose weight and muscle mass.  I am worried that it will negatively affect my ability to work and limit how hard I can exercise.  To prevent this, I plan to document my daily intake and count calories.  I will report this here, in subsequent blog posts.  I will also report how I feel, any physical effects, and any other related things worth mentioning.

I will be following the Standard Process Purification Program.  This program is designed to stimulate my organs of detoxification - the liver, kidneys and intestines - to help me remove toxins from my body, which can build up over time and by constant exposure to synthetic chemicals in my urban environment.  I have no allegiance to Standard Process other than the Wellness Center where I work stocks their products and promotes The Cleanse every January to help clients "start their wellness resolution off right."  I hope this cleanse will help me start off on the right foot, too!

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