Thursday, February 12, 2015

Where has Adair been? (Planning an Editorial Calendar)

In the past month I have written a business plan, created a website, obtained a domain-specific email address, planned a marketing strategy, became a provider with an insurance company, learned how to submit claims, found an accountant, set up my books, started filing by 2013 taxes...and completely neglected by blog!

Fear not, faithful readers, I have a new plan!

To keep you informed and updated on a regular basis, I am going to implement an Editorial Calendar.  I am going to pick three themes and write personal stories about them on the same day each week.  Unless I think of better names, these themes will be:
  • Mindful Mondays - thoughts and suggestions for living a more present and joyful life
  • Wednesdays with Integrity - ideas for food planning, purchase, prep and presentation
  • Fitness Fridays - sharing of activities I enjoy and ways to "fit" exercise into a busy life
Moving forward, this blog will be written in the first person, using a lot of "I," "my," and "we."

For those who like science and other factual information, please visit my NEW blog.  As part of my burgeoning nutrition practice, I plan to archive recommendations about specific dietary interventions, diagnostic testing options, and other "How To" and "Should I...?" articles on my business website.

In addition, every time I read an interesting newspaper article or recent scientific study, I am going to post it to my business Facebook page - so check there for good information, too!

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