Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Compost Negelct

I've been neglecting my compost.  Just as I've (largely) been neglecting this blog.  With this entry, I am recommitting to both.

Today I went out the back door and nervously took off the lid to the compost that I haven't looked at since September.  I thought for sure that the worms would be dead and the remains would be a juicy mess. Here is what I found:

Observation 1: Without my knowledge, my housemate has continued to feed the worms his food scraps.  Look at all those fresh veggies!

Observation 2: The worms are alive and well!  When I moved the top layer of fresh produce away, the worms were there, just beneath the surface - quickly wriggling out of sight and out of the sunlight.  It's difficult to see them in the picture below, but trust me, they are there.

Observation 3: Someone put whole potatoes in the compost.  And when whole potatoes are put in a moist, nutrient-dense environment, believe it or not, they begin to grow.  As always, I am amazed by nature's ability to recycle waste and recreate life.

This potato won't give up - look at all those roots!
Conclusion: Despite neglect by me, all is well in worm land.  It is hard for me to believe that, sometimes, no action is required.  Sometimes getting out of the way is the best thing to do.  Which reminds me of one of my favorite quotes:

"The art of medicine is to entertain the patient while nature cures the disease." ~ Voltaire

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