Sunday, July 25, 2010

Cereal = kibble?

A professor of mine at Bastyr University once said that breakfast cereal is like kibble.  Meaning: dry, highly-processed dog food made of vegetable-based ingredients that is not really meant to be eaten by dogs (who have flesh-ripping, canine teeth for a reason).

She made the comment so emphatically that I think about it almost every time I eat cereal.  Sometimes I even feel guilty.  As if I've let her down by choosing a quick, conveinent meal instead of taking the time to cook a bowl of hearty, steel-cut oats or poaching an egg over kasha (kasha: buckwheat groats).

But some days I have no choice.  Sometimes all I have time for is quick bowl of cereal.  Or when I haven't gone grocery shopping in a while, sometimes all I have in the house is cereal.  And on days I wake up feeling nauseous, sometimes cereal is the only food that sounds appealing.

Looking at the big picture, I would rather have something in my stomach (even if it is dry cereal + milk) before starting a full day of work, instead of feeling weak and hypoglycemicy until lunch time.

It all comes down to choice and prioritization.  What is most important to you?

I wish that I could eat freshly cooked whole grains at all my meals, but that is just not realistic for me.  At least, not at this time in my life.  So I compromise.  And do my best.  Because, really, that is all I can do.

1 comment:

  1. Lol! I feel the same way!! Ill eat Rice Chex for breakfast as an alternative because it doesn't contain gluten. I agree with you, I'd rather have something a little less healthy than my normal routine than starve completely.
