On January 25th, diagnostic laboratory tests proved that my gut is reacting to gluten. One a scale of 0-10, zero being no reaction and 10 indicating Celiac disease, I scored in the 4-6 range. To reverse this sensitivity, my doctor prescribed a three month gluten-free (GF) diet. I started the GF diet on February 1, 2010.
For the past month, I have tested a multitude of GF products, finding most of them less than desirable. ...Until yesterday.
While visiting my parent's house in Michigan, I was delighted to find a bag of Bob's Red Mill Homemade Wonderful GF Bread Mix in the cupboard. I was even more surprised when the loaf doubled in size and nearly touched the roof of the oven while baking -- look at the size of those air pockets!
I definitely recommend using 1 whole Egg plus enough Egg Whites to equal 3/4 cup. I ended up using 3 or 4 extra Egg Whites for mine! I also suggest allowing the yeast to foam in the warm milk for more than 5 minutes. By making sure the yeast have been thoroughly woken up before combining with the dry ingredients, the more active they will be, the bigger the gas bubbles, and the fluffier your end product.
Bob's Red Mill Homemade Wonderful GF Bread is the lightest, fluffiest GF bread I have ever had the pleasure of eating. It works well as sandwich bread and makes great toast, frech toast, and bread crumbs for recipes. Bob's has even managed to reduce that sour GF aftertaste that is usually unavoidable with GF products.
Yummm ill have to try it! I eat Spelt bread. And my husband eats Ezekiel bread. We're both vegetarians, except- I occasionally eat chicken lol Thanks for this post! - Im addicted to your blog btw have you noticed?! xoxox there is a reason why, I know- synchronistacally I was brought here haha that sounds weird but you read The Celestine Prophecy so you MUST understand haha xoxo