Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I am 46 pages into Anticancer: A New Way of Life (David Servan-Schreiber) and loving it.  In the first chapter, Dr. Servan-Schreiber looks back on his life before cancer and explains how he was young, ambitious, and arrogant.  He was so caught up in research that he thought would help people that he stopped noticing people.

Being diagnosed with cancer changed all that.

He opened his eyes and realized how short life is; he started noticing the beauty that was around him and appreciating the small things.  He also began to realize how important diet and lifestyle are in treating and preventing cancer.

While I won't reveal all the jewels of nutrition information (there are 15 color pages which provide detailed dietary advice!), I want to highlight my favorite part so far...

On page 41 he introduces the anticancer diet.  Then, in reference to this advice, he states (forgive me if I am violating copyright law by sharing a whole paragraph):

"There is little likelihood that our physicians will suggest these approaches.  Changes in lifestyle cannot, by definition, be patented.  Thus, they do not become medication and they do not require physicians.  This means that most physicians don't consider them within their realm, so it is up to each of us to make them our own"  (Anticancer: A New Way of Life, page 41).

As a physician himself, I am impressed that he is admitting that diet and nutrition is outside of the realm of physicians.  However, I disagree with his last sentance; I do not think every cancer patient has to make these changes on their own.

Registered Dietitians (RD) are the experts in nutrition and nutrition counseling.  While physicians might not be qualified to dispense such advice, the registered dietitian educated in evidence-based nutrition and ready to provide support to anyone who walks through her door.

Dr. Servan-Schreiber has wisdom and insights to share and his book is certainly worth reading.  But if you need someone to help you apply the dietary recommendations to your busy lifestyle, do yourself a favor and find a registered dietitian!

To locate a registered dietitian in your area, visit the American Dietetic Association at  The link for FIND A REGISTERED DIETITIAN is at the top of the page.


  1. If only more people knew about the connection between nutrition and disease, especially cancer. Thank you for this information. My blog ( all about nutrition, disease, and fitness.

  2. This is so true. A good attitude and a healthy lifestyle, diet, etc... It makes me so sick that there are companies who knowingly put toxins in our food! I don't get it. If I gave my neighbor something to eat and i put toxins in it, that would be called attempted murder... how are these 'guys' getting away with making us all sick? Ugh. Vent. lol xoxox
