Monday, May 11, 2009

Listen to your body

I got up early on Saturday and made a big breakfast of quinoa, lentils, and asparagus with an over-easy egg on top. It was delicious. And I thought it would sustain me for a long while...

...but, before it was even close to lunchtime, I was hungry again! Trying to get as much work done as possible before taking a break, I "push through" and ignore my hunger. That was a bad idea.

I was supposed to meet a friend for a walk around Green Lake at 1pm. My original plan was just jump in the car and (without integrity) just munch on a Clif bar and a apple with peanut butter and wait until dinner for a real meal. My body had a different plan.

Ten minutes before I was supposed to meet my friend, I had to call him back and tell him that I needed to postpone. I suggested meeting him an hour later. Thankfully, he agreed.

I needed a real meal, I was craving *meat*. Instead of the snacks, I went to the store, and bought myself a small steak and braised it with onions and broccoli.

The results were immediate.

I felt SO much better after I listened to my body. My energy and concentration improved. I was a whole new woman.

Now, if only I could move classes around the same way I postponed my walk around Green Lake -- I would move our Medical Nutrition Therapy class up an hour or so (earlier in the day) so that we could all get home and eat dinner at a reasonable time!